Today’s market and machine manufacturers have moved from mineral to synthetic lubricants for Long life and Fuel economy. We have the entire range of industrial and automotive synthetics with us.
We offer lubricating oil, which is used as slide way purpose oil and door closer oil. It is formulated using quality ingredients to reduce wear and tear and alleviate friction of the machine parts. Known for high performance, the Synthetic Engine Oil that we offer possesses superior chemical and physical properties.
Lubricant for Oil Injected Rotary
Air Compressor
Lubricant Model : Rotair Xtra;
Service time : 8000 Hrs
Appearance: Transparent;
Compatibility : Worthington
Rollair 125 Environment : High
pressure equipment and high
Ambient temperature range to be
covered : 0℃ to +46℃
Density at 15℃: 0.839
gm/cm3~0.844 gm/cm3
Viscosity at 40℃ :45.5 cSt ~46.5
cSt; Total acid Number 0.135 mg
KOH/g ~ 0.144 mg KOH/g
Pour point: (-)56℃~(-) 57℃;
Packaging : 5 or 20 litre sealed
plastic can
The match for standard operating conditions
Oil Type : Synthetic based lubricant for Food & Beverages
Service intervals: 4 000 h or 1 year in mild conditions
Environment : Ambient temperature range from 0°C to +30°C
Equipment: Atlas Copco oil injected screws
Compatibility: GA – GX compressors
5l : 1630 0833 00
20l : 1630 0542 00
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